the Difference Machine
the Difference Machine
Aug 2016
We are divine beings having a human experience. The combination of divinity and earthly essence makes us the Difference Machine.
We hail from a city called Atlantis, which has been buried under the sea for 2 millennia.
We extrapolate frequencies from around the cosmos and funnel them into recording equipment; then send those frequencies into your headspace.
We started on this journey around the time of the Big Bang. As soon as there were atoms: there was us.
Our first show was on Mercury—it was hot.
We want what all people want even if they don’t realize it yet: To be transported back into our astral bodies.
We don’t ask our audience for anything. Hopefully they gain perspective.
Our biggest influence is the source of all things through which all things emanate.
The thought of the second season of True Detective, and how it could have been so much better.
Everything is next—and, in turn, nothing at all.
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